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Prehab Guys Talk Starting Entrepreneurial Ventures In PT

by Casey Coleman

Physical Therapists Michael Lau and Arash Maghsoodi prove that it’s possible to leverage a background in physical therapy to build a successful business venture. Alongside fellow PT Crag Lindell they founded The Prehab Guys, an online platform with an educational purpose. All three founders wanted to combine their love of orthopedics and sports with a drive to entrepreneurship. Their audience includes not only laypeople, but also student PTs and clinicians.

The group began on Instagram, and this was the site of their biggest success initially. However, because of the nature of Instagram’s API, which allows them to connect their Instagram posts with their Facebook and Youtube pages, they were able to use their success here to help build their following on other platforms.

The group has also engaged in online consulting. Though part of their responsibility in this case is making sure their patients are pain-free, the largest part of their activity involves subjective concerns, e.g. educating people on exercises to perform, techniques of movement, and load management, among other things. “We haven’t put our hands on any of these people of course – it’s through telehealth so we don’t have that option – but outcomes have been great!”

How is this possible? The trick, Michael claims, is to know which questions to ask. By asking the right questions, one can gather enough information to not only diagnose the problem but to figure out the most effective treatment. “I love working with people in person. That’ll never be replaced. But you’re always limited by your time. Online it’s scalable – you can help an infinite amount of people with that same little knowledge-bomb. That’s huge.”

What advice do they have for other entrepreneurs in this field? Arash says it’s important to find your niche. Also, according to Michael, it’s better to implement your ideas now – do not wait for the right moment or for permission. Arash agrees, and says the best time to do this is right when you've finished school: “high risk, high reward,” as the saying goes.


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