Attention grabbing titles sometimes have a bit of truth to them. This article is about taking a little pressure off yourself. Sometimes as PTs we..
5 Things You Should Know When Treating a Type 1 Diabetic
Diabetes is one of those conditions you learn about at length in your DPT programs. This is for good reason! In 2015, it was reported that more than..
The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here! Your OT school journey is officially over, and your OT career is finally beginning. All your..
How to Deal with Abusive Patients as a New Grad PT
"Some things cannot be taught; they must be experienced. You never learn the most valuable lessons in life until you go through your own journey.”..
5 Things Your Patients Won't Tell You
As New Grad PTs, we often get caught up in what we “should do” and “need to do.” Getting wrapped up in our own mind can cause us to forget what the..
According to Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (2010), ethics is defined based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what..
Common Spanish Phrases Every OT Should Know
Spanish Phrases That Can Be Useful to an OT
Hola! Does learning a new language overwhelm you? Does the thought of speaking Spanish in a clinical..
You just passed your boards, aced your interview, and landed the OT job of your dreams. You feel amazingly confident as you enter the clinic on your..
An SLP’s Journey into Fighting the Disability Stigma
Fighting my Own Battle
In addition to being an SLP, I am a person with a disability. Now, as I am in the thick of my 5th year in the field, my..
Working with patients with lower extremity amputations is not particularly common. Unless you work in a clinic that specializes in prosthetics..