As a physical therapist, being a clinical instructor can be one of the most rewarding things you do in a field filled with rewarding experiences...
October 19, 2017
HELP! My CI is My Arch Nemesis!
At the end of our first year in physical therapy school, we were rewarded with our first full-time clinicals. Previously, we had a few clinical..
August 21, 2017
5 Ways to be a Great Clinical Instructor
As students and former students know, the clinical instructor (CI) has a huge impact on the experience of a clinical affiliation. As I reflected on..
August 4, 2017
6 Lessons from Being a New Grad CI
As a member of the graduating PT class of 2016, I’m starting to recognize some of the ways in which my practice has developed over the past year. I..
July 31, 2017
3 Pieces of Advice for SPTs Starting a Clinical Rotation
You’ve dumped 5(-ish) semesters of knowledge into your tired, jumbled brain. You’re fresh off of finals (maybe not feeling so fresh), and now it’s..
Despite what you may think, you can actually learn a lot by becoming a clinical instructor. The students aren't the only ones who benefit from..