Imagine this . . . you’re headed to New Orleans for the annual APTA Combined Sections Meeting with 16,000 other of the top professionals in your..
February 21, 2018
Top 10 Things to Do in New Orleans During CSM 2018
The Combined Sections Meeting is heading down to the Bayou State!
I’m pumped that my home town, New Orleans, is hosting CSM this year. For one, it..
October 13, 2017
Why You Shouldn't Marry a Physical Therapist
Back in 2015, we released a post entitled, "6 Reasons to Date a Physical Therapist." It's one of our most popular articles, and for good reason!
April 22, 2017
Why You Shouldn't See a Physical Therapist!
In the not so distant past...
The scene was set: A-ARON, a young, intelligent, and honestly not-so-graceful college student races to his first..
October 26, 2015
6 Reasons to Date a Physical Therapist
Physical therapists are awesome. That's right, I said it. And just to show you how awesome I think they are I've compiled a list of reasons to date..