As a physical therapist, being a clinical instructor can be one of the most rewarding things you do in a field filled with rewarding experiences...
HELP! My CI is My Arch Nemesis!
At the end of our first year in physical therapy school, we were rewarded with our first full-time clinicals. Previously, we had a few clinical..
5 Ways to be a Great Clinical Instructor
As students and former students know, the clinical instructor (CI) has a huge impact on the experience of a clinical affiliation. As I reflected on..
6 Lessons from Being a New Grad CI
As a member of the graduating PT class of 2016, I’m starting to recognize some of the ways in which my practice has developed over the past year. I..
3 Pieces of Advice for SPTs Starting a Clinical Rotation
You’ve dumped 5(-ish) semesters of knowledge into your tired, jumbled brain. You’re fresh off of finals (maybe not feeling so fresh), and now it’s..
Aquatic Therapy: Come on in, the Water's Fine
When I was in physical therapy school, I wanted to keep my options open as to which setting I would work in after I graduated. Having worked as a..
Despite what you may think, you can actually learn a lot by becoming a clinical instructor. The students aren't the only ones who benefit from..
5 Reasons to Consider Prosthetics Rehab
In physical therapy school, my prosthetics class basically came and went. I didn’t know anything about prosthetics rehab and had no experience..
As a student, physical therapy clinicals are an exciting time in your journey through PT school. To this point, you’ve spent countless hours..