The “Perks” of a Career in Long Term Healthcare to Keep in Mind
Have you ever considered a career in long term healthcare? If not, that’s no surprise. Long term care is a specialty that many nurses often overlook. But it’s a critical part of the healthcare system with many rewarding benefits. We’ve compiled eight reasons why you should consider a career in long term care:
1. Make a genuine difference
Patients in a long term care facility often need help with the basics of day-to-day life. As an LTC nurse, you’ll be there to help them make it through the day with respect and dignity. Your attention to detail and care will make each day a little better for the elderly or disabled patients who rely on you. As their advocate, you’ll ensure they receive the care they deserve.
2. Develop relationships with your patients and their families
Working in long term care means you’ll be taking care of the same patients each day for an extended period of time. It may mean you take care of geriatric patients in a nursing home or disabled patients who cannot live alone. Since you’ll be taking care of your patients over a long period of time, you’ll have the chance to build meaningful relationships with not just your patients, but their families too. It will be up to you to help educate, guide, and comfort patients and their families during their time in your care.
3. Enrich your life
Whether you find yourself working with the elderly or patients who have a chronic illness or disability, you’ll learn life lessons that are hard to discover elsewhere. Elderly patients will often share their life stories, rich with wisdom, giving you fresh perspectives on the meaning of happiness and life’s priorities. You may even get a fascinating history lesson every now and then. Working with patients who cope with disabilities will often enrich your life in ways you didn’t know were possible.
4. Be a part of an interdisciplinary team
As a long term care nurse, you’ll be an important part of a larger care team for your patients. You’ll have the chance to work with an interdisciplinary team that includes physicians, social workers, dieticians, speech language pathologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, and more. It’s a great opportunity to see what other providers do for your patients and see how everything works together to reach the best patient outcomes.
5. Establish job security
It’s no secret that we have an ever-aging population. Extended living facilities and nursing homes are opening to meet the needs of the baby boomer generation. And all of these healthcare facilities need staff from the top down. With this increased demand, long term care is an ideal specialty to jumpstart your career—with the potential to move up the management ladder!
6. Stay close to home
An overlooked benefit to long term care is being able to settle in your ideal location. Major hospitals and healthcare systems are generally located in cities, whereas long term care opportunities can be found in rural, suburban, and metropolitan areas. This allows you to determine the best lifestyle for your family without feeling the pressure to move to avoid a long commute.
7. Work in a calm environment
Long term care allows you to focus on your patients’ overall wellbeing in relatively calm surroundings. In short term care situations, nurses are often working in fast-paced environments with a revolving door of patients or back-to-back emergency situations. While emergencies do of course arise in long term care, it is generally not a daily occurrence. If you’re looking for a more lowkey workplace where getting to know your patients is a high value, long term care is the right place for you.
8. Opportunity to join a hospital system
For new nursing graduates, it can be daunting to try and find a job in a major hospital system. But, joining the long term care division of a hospital system can be a great way to get your foot in the door, develop meaningful relationships and skills, and network with other hospital system employees.
The Ins and Outs of Permanent Placement
Partnering with a medical staffing agency to find short-term, travel contract positions is a common job search strategy in the healthcare industry. But did you know that staffing agencies like CoreMedical can assist with permanent placement opportunities as well? From resume building and mock interviews to salary negotiation and relocation assistance, our seasoned team of recruiters will help you every step of the way as you make your next career move – which just might be in long term care!