The secret is out! Occupational therapy is an awesome career and OTs make excellent companions.
Here is NGOT’s guide to 5 reasons to date an occupational therapist, based loosely on this similar post from our friends at New Grad Physical Therapy.
When you are at a bar or swiping right on your phone, remember these reasons why you should consider dating an occupational therapist.
Netflix and chill
Occupational therapists are quite knowledgeable in both anatomy and physical agent modalities. If you are ever feeling tight in the neck or upper back from sitting at your desk all day, shoot your new favorite OT a text. They’ll be able to use their knowledge of anatomy to give you the best back massage.
There isn’t an occupational therapist out there that doesn’t have some cooking and baking knowledge. They may not be a master chef by any means, but all of us seem to know our way around the kitchen. OTs often get to bake cookies with their clients and are lucky enough to call it work. We even learn about it in school and practice making grilled cheese with one arm!
Highly educated
When you are looking for a future soulmate, you definitely want someone who is intelligent. Luckily for you, OTs spend anywhere from 6 to 7 years getting their degrees. Some OTs can even call themselves “doctors”, which is great when you take them home for the holidays to show them off to the family.
OTs can be very sensitive, and they make fantastic listeners. We take quite a few psychology classes so we fully understand your stress and sensory needs. Meet us at home or at a bar after a hard day's work, and we’ll lend an ear as you vent about your rough day. Be prepared to open up, though. OTs are masters at motivational interviewing and asking open-ended questions.
Great with kids
A lot of OTs work in pediatrics. Occupational therapists are able to get even their smallest clients to do their therapy through the use of play. We can facilitate group play, develop handwriting skills, and even assess perfect backpack ergonomics. Sounds pretty good, right? If you are looking for a partner in a long-term relationship, look no further. Your future OT spouse is going to be the best parent!