Not sure which setting will work best for you as a new OT? Been practicing for years, but need a reset to the basics? Take our quiz and find out which occupational therapy setting is the best for you!
We've created this assessment to help you determine what occupational therapy setting is best for your career, given your current set of circumstances.
Ready to get started?
One of the many reasons why occupational therapy makes such a great career is the fact that there are almost limitless settings in which we can practice. Depending on our strengths, interests, and phases of life, we might choose to work in one setting for many years, then try something entirely new. Or, we might want to opt for a flexible role from the get-go, where every day is different. The beauty of OT is that we can literally do anything; all we have to do is shift gears and put on our learning caps!
When you are done with the quiz, be sure to subscribe and check out more of what CovalentCareers | Occupational Therapy has to offer. We have tons of resources to help you reach your goals for whatever setting is the best occupational therapy setting for you.
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